Men’s and women’s ministries

Gospel-centered ministry for men and women

Our men's and women's ministries are supplemental ministries, led by lay leaders at Redemption, designed to further encourage you in your relationship with Jesus. These ministries seek to be an additive supplement to the ongoing work happening within small groups. There is a focus to address the unique issues of faith present in men's and women's lives and share the truth of the Gospel to one another.

Women’s Ministry

The women's ministry at Redemption brings women together to dive into God's Word and talk about Gospel truths as it relates to their personal walks with Jesus. Women can expect to be loved, valued, and encouraged during these times. For more information on meeting times and what to expect, sign up below.

Men’s Ministry

Our men's ministry at Redemption is designed to have men come together to read scripture, to pray for one another, and for accountability. For more information on meeting times and what to expect, sign up below.

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